Friday, April 25, 2008

This snow day make-up poetry project has taught me several things. First, praying for snow days has consequences! So while I enjoyed the snow day and spent the evening sipping a caramel machiatto and enjoying a rich moist brownie I didn't realize it would just mean more work later. But I'm not complaining because blogging is something I enjoy.

Through this project I became more aware of the legalities involved in posting which is actually considered publishing. Before this project, I wasn't aware that linking to a website that didn't have permission to quote a source was illegal. Now I am more careful to give attribution to pictures and articles when blogging, and not to link to sites that may not have permission to post the material they have.

This project has also caused me to take a more in-depth look at poetry. I have recently purchased a book of poetry and am actually enjoying it. So I guess its safe to say that this project has taught me to appreciate poetry in a way I previously didn't.

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