Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I relate to this poem in several ways. The first thing that caught my attention was the poem being about Rash's grandfather. My grandfather, or Pappy as I called him, passed away last semester. I think that caused me to be attracted to this poem because Rash's poetry, in some ways, is a tribute to his family. When you lose a close family member it becomes important to find ways to honor their memory, to pay tribute to them. Rash has done this very poetically in Eureka Mill while also sharing the history of life in a cotton mill.

Secondly, I believe that man cannot survive by bread and water alone, coffee is a necessity. Being a coffee lover, that instantly attracted me to this poem. I liked the humor Rash shares when he wrote, "No , he drank his coffee black all winter, into the spring, let it scald his bitter, stubborn tongue."

The third thing I like about "My Grandfather Swallows His Pride" is its representation of a common difference between men and women. For example, men in our society tend to be known for driving around unsure of their surroundings, yet refusing to ask for directions. Women on the other hand are more apt to stop at the nearest gas station and ask for directions. Similarly, I think if Grandma weren't sick she would have marched right down to the grocery store, tucked her pride in her pocket, and exchanged the purchase.

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