Thursday, February 28, 2008

"Hi Story"

History - "Hi Story" - is full of stories about people, events, and places. One of the major ways people learn the stories of previous times is through reading literature. I enjoy, maybe we could even use the word love, reading a variety of books and genres. But there is one exception to that, poetry. I think of poetry as an acquired taste. It's a style of writing that if experienced multiple times can grow on a person, but initially it's not always appreciated and rarely understood. That's been my personal history with poetry, not always appreciated and rarely understood.

I first paused to take a close look at poetry in ENG 113 when Maurice Manning was the visiting author that semester at CVCC. It was then I read through his book of poetry, Lawrence Booth's Book of Visions. I also attended his reading session and listened as he answered questions. Through that I felt more of a personal connection with his poetry and I still pick his book up every now and then. Each time that I do, I feel like I understand a little more clearly what he was conveying. I may be completely off track, but at least I'm making an attempt!

I haven't taken an in-depth look at Ron Rash's Eureka Mill yet, but I anticipate that this project will open my eyes a little wider to the world of poetry and once again, my history of poetry will be changed. Maybe, just maybe, I will begin to understand poetry.


Red said...

You are so funny! This is really interesting and I LOVE the opening comments (McDonald's vs. Starbucks)! Great beginning and you reeled me in...hook, line, and sinker!
Typical settings of men vs. women. Men hate to admit they are wrong.
They never stop to ask for directions when they are lost do they? The poem was easy to read and digest/swallow! Unlike some of the other poems we have experienced together the last two semesters, this one is actually understandable. Good luck and I hope you have a safe and Happy Spring Break!
Happy Easter!

ajhaugh said...

Huh? Ha! I really enjoyed reading your blog and it was very well written and organized!

Nat-dolphinlover said...

Loved the intro!!

Amy "da' bomb" Wolfe said...

Thanks for the comments friends!

Red & Zpoet, I am going to miss you like crazy next semester when we don't have classes together. And secretly, I think our teacher (name omitted) will miss our little circle of fun to her left as she teaches. ;-)